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The pilgrimage to Santiago is an adventure rich in breathtaking views and unforgettable moments. Still, some travelers prefer to completely unplug from the noise of civilization and leave all the tech gadgets behind. Others can’t resist documenting whenever possible.Whether or not you decide to disconnect completely and leave the camera behind is a matter of personal preference. Although you might not  find it technology that distracting. In fact, many pilgrims are happy about capturing the special moments as memories tend to fade and the Camino is definitely not short on capture-worthy moments.

So, as you make your way through Spanish countryside and cross path with other pilgrims, a good camera comes in handy. The question is, though, what is a “good” camera for a pilgrim conquering at least 20 km a day with a heavy backpack?

The truth is that there is no a right answer. When it comes to choosing the best camera for your pilgrimage on the Camino de Santiago, there is no universal solution. It comes down to your own needs and preferences.

Low-cost travelers who value practicality will be just fine with a smartphone camera. Despite breaking the screen in the middle of the Camino, I can’t complain. I ended up with over a thousand images and videos.

Of course, if you have the money to invest (or your phone simply is not right but still want to take pictures), a decent compact camera is pilgrim’s best friend. However  you don’t need a DSLR unless you are a crazy photography enthusiast or a pro who will probably publish the photos in one form or another.

What about you, what camera did you take or planning on taking?

Recommended by Hostal Gau Txori. A place to relax, enjoy the landscape and take awesome pics.

By Caminoadventures. 
Full article at https://www.caminoadventures.com/camera-camino-de-santiago/
Image: Pixabay.
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